In addition to the easy installation, easy-to-learn use, easy handling and regular use, the removable thermal insulation produced by ETP is one of the forms of insulation that guarantees the fastest return.
The raw materials of our products are different depending on the surface to be insulated, the usage, meeting extremely high mechanical requirements.


About Energy Technoplus Kft.

In the 1990s, our main activity was energy audit and exploration of loss. Our staff has conducted energy testing of nearly 300 industrial plants and institutions. As a result of our work, our partners implemented billions of HUF worth of developments and upgrades with favorable returns. Most of these concerned caloric and electrical systems but in many cases industrial water and wastewater projects were also created.



Our most important milestones

In the 1990s, our main activity was energy audit and exploration of loss. Our staff has conducted energy testing of nearly 300 industrial plants and institutions. As a result of our work, our partners implemented billions of HUF worth of developments and upgrades with favorable returns. Most of these concerned caloric and electrical systems but in many cases industrial water and wastewater projects were also created.

At the turn of the millennium, at the request of our partners, as the general contractor we also implemented the proposed improvements in the audits. We have modernized boiler rooms, steam-condensation systems and wastewater treatment equipment. We have built polygeneration small power plants with 1-3 MW of power that have a much higher overall efficiency in the industrial environment than their conventional high-power counterparts. We have created a biomass-fired boiler plant to supply an industrial plant and an urban district heating system with cheap, environmentally friendly heat energy.

We started the production and development of ETP removable thermal insulation in 1995. The first tests immediately showed that efficiency and heat resistance were excellent. Since then time has proven that its lifetime means no problem either. Even in outdoor use, we have insulations installed for over 15 years. ETP products and manufacturing technology are constantly being developed, as are efficiency controls. To inform our partners, our software – based on two decades of experience and measurement – calculates the energy savings and returns that can be achieved by the insulation of each machine component.

The success of our product, both domestically and internationally, has encouraged us to focus all our energy on this business. From 2015, the main activity of our company is the production and further development of ETP removable thermal insulations. In addition, we undertake related thermal energy audits and studies for the exploration of loss as well as the implementation of related traditional insulation projects.

In recent years, we have exported nearly half a million ETP insulations to 38 countries worldwide. All of our projects were tracked and we received positive feedback from our users. We are proud that each of our partners is also an excellent reference for us. The proportion of our returning customers is very high, and most of our new partners also contact us based on the recommendations from our existing partners. Interestingly, and with some pride, we can mention that we exported more than 4,000 insulations to China in 2011.

We believe that if we show our commitment to the profession, a special attention to our partners and flexibility, our work will be crowned with success.


Our most important milestones

Our ISO 9001:2015 certification and our quality policy ensure that we work closely with our customers every day in a spirit of continuous quality control and improvement.

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Our most important milestones

In the 1990s, our main activity was energy audit and exploration of loss. Our staff has conducted energy testing of nearly 300 industrial plants and institutions. As a result of our work, our partners implemented billions of HUF worth of developments and upgrades with favorable returns. Most of these concerned caloric and electrical systems but in many cases industrial water and wastewater projects were also created.

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